College Fest and Oomph!

The second day of my college fest, RIVIERA 2012, has thus gone by.. and it was actually a day full of surprises! But before that, I'll share with you, my trusted readers, wonderful new things that have been happening in my life, lately.. My girlfriend (surprise surprise!) upon much insistence from peers and evil friends, decided to go modelling for Style Check, the official fashion show of our college! A self-certified nerd, it was quite an adventure for her.. Class topper, psychotic and crazy happy-go-lucky, emotional reader and what now, UNDERDOG DIVA ? And she's definitely enjoying the sudden oomph about her - the stilettos, the 'pump' (yeah - the new jargon too - been using these a LOT, off late!), the extra-hours after hostel in-time.. then there are the 'moments!' when she'll call and seek confidence, 'Parbo toh?' Could I actually do it..? ... Oh now, did you think that's the new happening in MY life? The chauvinistic pig that ...